HumusAmqp Producers

What are producers?

The concept of producers has nothing to do with the AMQP protocol itself. It’s a feature added in HumusAmqp to allow sending messages with default attributes in a very comfortable way.

Concept of producers

The producer wraps the exchange and corresponding channel and allows to set default attributes and parameters for all messages sent.

Producer types

There are two built-in exchange types in HumusAmqp

  • JSON
  • Plain

The JSON Producer takes a message as first argument and json encodes it for you. Additional the following attributes are added by default:

    'content_type' => 'application/json',
    'content_encoding' => 'UTF-8',
    'delivery_mode' => 2,

This means all messages are persisted by the broker (delivery mode) and the content-type and content-encoding is already set for you.

The plain producer takes a message as first arguments and does nothing with it (so it should be a string or at least it should be possible to cast it to string, like integer and float). Additional the following attributes are added by default:

    'content_type' => 'text/plain',
    'content_encoding' => 'UTF-8',
    'delivery_mode' => 2,

Creating a producer


$connection = new \Humus\Amqp\Driver\AmqpExtension\Connection();

$channel = $connection->newChannel();

$exchange = $channel->newExchange();

$producer = new \Humus\Amqp\JsonProducer($exchange);

Using custom default headers


$producer = new \Humus\Amqp\JsonProducer($exchange, [
    'content_type' => 'application/json',
    'content_encoding' => 'UTF-8',
    'delivery_mode' => 2 // persistent,
    'app_id' => 'DemoApplication',
    'expiration' => 10000,

This will additionally add the app_id and message expiration attributes.

Using configuration and factory


return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            Driver::class => \Humus\Amqp\Container\DriverFactory::class,
            'default-amqp-connection' => [\Humus\Amqp\Container\ConnectionFactory::class, 'default'],
            'my-producer' => [\Humus\Amqp\Container\ProducerFactory::class, 'my-producer'],
    'humus' => [
        'amqp' => [
            'driver' => 'php-amqplib',
            'connection' => [
                'default' => [
                    'type' => 'socket',
                    'host' => 'localhost',
                    'port' => 5672,
                    'login' => 'guest',
                    'password' => 'guest',
                    'vhost' => '/',
                    'persistent' => false,
                    'read_timeout' => 3, //sec, float allowed
                    'write_timeout' => 1, //sec, float allowed
            'exchange' => [
                'my-exchange' => [
                    'name' => 'my-exchange',
                    'type' => 'direct',
                    'connection' => 'default-amqp-connection',
                    'auto_setup_fabric' => true,
            'producer' => [
                'my-producer' => [
                    'type' => 'json',
                    'exchange' => 'my-exchange',

$producer = $container->get('my-producer');

Publishing messages


    'some message',
        'arguments' => [
            'arg1' => 'value'

Publishing messages


$producer->publish('my message', 'routing_key');

Publishing messages transactional



$producer->publish('my message', 'routing_key');


Publishing messages with confirm select



    function (
        int $deliveryTag,
        bool $multiple = false
    ) use (&$cnt, &$result) {
        $result[] = 'Message acked';
        $result[] = func_get_args();
        return --$cnt > 0;
    function (
        int $deliveryTag,
        bool $multiple,
        bool $requeue
    ) use (&$result) {
        $result[] = 'Message nacked';
        $result[] = func_get_args();
        return false;

$producer->publish('my message', 'routing_key');



Publishing messages as mandatory


    function (
        int $replyCode,
        string $replyText,
        string $exchange,
        string $routingKey,
        Envelope $envelope,
        string $body
    ) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Message returned: ' . $replyText);

    'my message',


Wrapping Up

Using a producer simplifies the client code when working with exchanges a lot by adding your needed default message attributes. Use them whenever possible instead of handling with the exchange directly.

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